Friday, March 31, 2017


Hey everybody! Hopefully this will be the last change I'll be announcing. Unfortunately, this is going be a pretty major one. I know a lot of you were attracted to my blog because I was going to look at gender-based differences. Alas, the study that I was hoping to focus on (that had to do with gender differences) is incomplete and has only just begun the early stages of enrollment. This means I have to switch over to a more developed study that could be just as exciting but regrettably does not have to do with gender differences. The plan now is to compare the structural brain changes in patients with post-traumatic headache (PTH) and those who are healthy. I know this may be a bit disappointing, but I promise I will make this just as exciting as my original question. I'm also very aware that this is a huge change to make when I'm in my last couple weeks of my internship. But, I'm crossing my fingers that everything will work out. I'll need to revise my proposal and change my title (if any of you have some good titles in store, feel free to comment below).

Here's some good news? I think I have my idea for my Final Product, but I'll wait until I'm more sure before I share. A massive thank you to you all for your continued support and understanding! These last few weeks will be an exciting time to see my research finally come together (optimistically speaking)!! :)


  1. Kiri! Hey! I am sorry your original plan didn't work out but I am still super stoked for your findings! I am not super creative but I would go for something like, "Concussions! Differences in PTH." Sorry it is not super creative. Looking forward to your next blog!

    1. Thanks, Lorena! It's all good, I'm not that creative either, so we can be un-creative buddies together! I hopefully still have time think things over, but your title idea could be a possible choice. Thank you, as always, for your continued support and lovely comments, they mean a lot! :)

  2. Hi Kiri! I am impressed by your flexibility and your eagerness to jump into a new project. I am sure that you will be able to complete your research in time. Which factors will you be looking at when comparing the brains of healthy individuals and those with PTH?

    If you do plan to change your title, make sure you let the SP Committee know ASAP so we can get it changed before the program goes to print. :)

    1. Thanks, Ms. Conner! I've learned that in the real world adaptability is an important quality to have. Making these changes is indeed an ambitious task to take on, but I'm feeling confident (mostly). In order to compare these two groups, we'll be looking at their MRIs as well as different sequences of the MRIs in order to segment and parcellate specific areas of the brain. This will be to observe whether the size of any of the brain areas change in those with PTH versus the healthy individuals.

      Also, along with the title, I will have to change my abstract, too. Is it too late to make any changes? If not, who should I send my revised abstract to and when is the latest that I could send an updated version? Thanks, and I apologize for this inconvenience!

  3. Hi Kiri! It's unfortunate that you had to change your topic so late in the project, but hey, I did also (kind of). I'm still working it out. Anyways, it seems, however, that the one and only Kiri Carlson has found a new topic already at hand. I'm very excited in this new project idea as well. What direction will you take this new project? I hope there are a lot of pictures.

    P.S. What might your final product be? I want to know.....hehehe. (It probably has something to do with brains.)

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who had to make changes, though probably not as drastic as mine (you lucky duck ;D). Yeah, I'm still making changes to my proposal, it's slow going, but I'll get there. I think everything's going to work out (as long as I can make the changes quickly then get them approved *crosses fingers*). As for what direction, I'm not really sure what you mean. The study I'll be focusing on is actually one I've discussed before (I'll have the details in my next post). Unlike previous weeks where I've been talking about a bunch of different studies, I'll just be using one for my presentation, so I don't confuse the audience as well myself. To save some typing (I know, I'm a lazy being), I'll be mentioning my final product in my next post. So keep an eye out! ;D

  4. I am excited to see what ends up happening. How are you going to get healthy brain scans? Good luck!

    1. Thanks, Mary, I'm super excited to see the end results as well! For this study, they've already enrolled 29 patients with PTH and 29 healthy controls. Healthy controls go through the same steps as the other group, they just don't have PTH (meaning they probably haven't had a concussion or they were fortunate enough to not develop PTH after receiving a concussion). Have a great week!
